Showing posts with label transformVector. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transformVector. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Real Position of Object from Inside a Moving Container in Away3DLite Tutorial

Real Position of a Sphere from Inside a Moving Container in Away3DLite Tutorial (Feb 24th 2010)

The position of an object inside a container is in the local space of the container. Using the current sceneMatrix transformation of the container parent on the contained primitive's position yeilds the absolute position to use as a reference in the overall scene.

This is how to get the real position of a sphere from inside a moving container:

myBasketball.x = PlayerContainer.sceneMatrix3D.transformVector(mySphere.position).x;

myBasketball.y = PlayerContainer.sceneMatrix3D.transformVector(mySphere.position).y;

myBasketball.z = PlayerContainer.sceneMatrix3D.transformVector(mySphere.position).z;

As you can image, if you place a 3D object at some point in an Objectcontainer like a sphere, then you can use these points for reference in placing things like other models, explosions or calculation of any distance from that reference sphere. Do note that a sphere is visible and handy for a while but a non-rendered object with a position member variable itself will do.

All kinds of things are possible using this!

Best regards.